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TIP: You might find some of these apps already in a folder on your Home screen, called Utilities. The Utilities folder will be there on new iOS 4 devices or clean upgrades to iOS 4. If not, we suggest moving the apps into a folder and naming that folder Utilities so all your utility apps can be in one place. See 6: Organize Your Icons and Folders, to learn how to do this.

To let the ComboBox know which property to use in the display, set the DisplayMemberPath to the name of the property. You can do this in either the markup or the code-behind. Putting it in the markup looks like the following: <StackPanel> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="5,10"> <Label Name="lblFName" FontWeight="Bold"/> <Label Name="lblAge"/> <Label Name="lblColor"/> </StackPanel> <ComboBox Name="comboPeople" SelectedIndex="0" DisplayMemberPath="FirstName"/> </StackPanel>

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Immediately, you see the World Clock feature. Usually, the standard clock is for Cupertino, CA but you can easily add to that or delete it.

Figure 8-21 illustrates the state of the ComboBox now and shows that when it runs, it now displays appropriately.

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1. 2. 3. Just touch the Edit button in the top left of the screen. You will notice that each entry now has a red - sign. When you touch the minus sign, it will and a red rotate 90 degrees Delete button will appear to the right. Touch Delete and that particular World Clock entry will no longer be in the list.

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Figure 8-21. Setting the DisplayMemberPath of the ComboBox tells it which property to display. Now that the ComboBox is hooked up and displaying the members correctly, it s time to bind the ComboBox to the line of display above the ComboBox so that the resulting window appears as in Figure 8-22.

$ 439,333,297 1.31 $ 335,368,929 $1,187,228,316 $44,94.97

To move a World Clock entry, do the following: 1. 2. Touch and drag the three bars you see to the right of each entry. Drop or let go of the entry when you have it in the correct location.

First set the DataContext on the StackPanel that contains the three Labels that display the information. The markup is shown next. The source object is the ComboBox object, named comboPeople. The Path is whichever item is currently selected in the ComboBox, which is contained in the SelectedItem property.

$ 209,658,684 1.54 $ 136,142,002 $1,323,370,318 $50,10.41

<StackPanel> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="5,10" DataContext= "{Binding ElementName=comboPeople, Path=SelectedItem}">

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